Rolling My I-s by Susana P. Barton

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This the sixth Lenten devotional Barton has published, a collection that also includes three scripture-only Holy Week publications. Her latest work challenges us to mind our use of I-Talk – the me, myself and I we like to overconsume in everyday conversation – to re-focus attention on others during the season of Lent. “We talk about ourselves too much and it’s really taking us off the course God has charted for us. Let’s take the next 40 days to try and refrain from using I – and its other synonyms – for the next 40 days. We’re going to at least try to use these trip-us-up words as little as possible. And at the very least, we’re going to try to simply be aware of how often our enslaved little brains want to use it on the regular. Welcome to Rolling My I-s for Lent!”